Monday, August 20, 2012

PSU Ag Ed student to compete for National FFA Officer

Penn State Ag Ed Sophmore Jenna Moser was selected to represent PA for the chance to become a National FFA Officer at this year's National FFA Convention to be held in Indianapolis, IN October 24-27, 2012.

National FFA Officers give up a year of there lives to serve the FFA in a variety of functions. They will represent the FFA at the local, state, national, and even international levels. National FFA Officers travel more than 100,000 miles during their year of service and spend much of their time living in hotel rooms and eating meals on the go. They have opportunities to meet thousands of people including corporate CEOs, government officials, and FFA members from around the country and spread the message of FFA and the importance of Agricultural Education in our future.

We asked Jenna a few questions about what this experience has meant to her.

Jenna, can you tell us what this whole experience has meant to you?

In October of 2008, I attended my very first National FFA Convention in Indianapolis.  I remember being completely immersed in the sessions and feeling empowered by a National Officer’s charge to make a difference.  It was during that very moment in the crowd of thousands that I decided I wanted to advance as far as possible in the FFA, and serve as a National Officer.  Initially I thought the role of National Officers was to perform at the convention in October, and I was in love with that idea.  As I continued to learn more about the organization I was able to better define the reason why I wanted to serve.  Now four years later, I still love the idea of being up in front of thousands of people and simultaneously speaking to them each individually, motivating them to make their communities better, and to strengthen their connections with others.  While that moment is an extremely important one, I acknowledge that the smaller portions along the way are just as necessary if not more.  Those portions are to listen to chapter members, meet with industry representatives and partners, and to share the story of agriculture, agriculture education, and the FFA with people everywhere.  The opportunity that I am blessed with now, to serve as the National Officer Candidate for the FFA, is much more than a four year dream.  This opportunity is a chance to make myself smaller so that I can recognize and encourage the greatness of everyone else!

What have you been doing to prepare for this opportunity?

    • Met with American Farm Bureau
    • Met with USDA Chief of Staff Krysta Harden, discussed agriculture issues
    • Job Shadowed, Max Finberg, who works in a White House Office in the department of Ministries and Faith-Based organizations.  During shadow experience attended a meeting in the First Lady’s Office.
    • Meeting with Pfizer to learn more about them, discuss agriculture issues, and participate in mock interviews
    • Meeting with Monsanto to learn more about how they operate, discuss agriculture issues, tour facility, participate in mock interviews 
    • Meeting with National Corn Growers Association to learn how they interact with people, expand my knowledge base about them and tour their facilities 
    • Visiting with an urban agriculture teachers in St. Louis who will discuss Missouri FFA, agriculture, and how her chapter operates (hopefully will be able to meet with a few FFA members).  In addition, the teacher is setting up local tours to botanical gardens, and other agriculture programs – this is free of charge.
    • [I plan to] Attend training organized by a past National Officer Candidate, Dr. David Frazier, who knows the National Officer Selection process very well.  This session is free of charge, with the exception of the flight. 
    • During the training I will meet several other candidates and go through every interview round twice.
    • [I will be] Attending the World Food Prize Conference in Des Moines, Iowa to put my mind back into perspective as to why I am running for a National Office.  The answer is simple, that the world is so much greater than me.  I hope to instill in others everywhere the notion that there is a need to make a positive difference.
We in the Penn State Ag Ed Family wish Jenna the best of luck on her pursuit to become a National FFA Officer!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Moving On.....Catching up with 2012 Graduate Mackenzie Crooks

As our 2012 Student Teachers graduated from Penn State on May 5th, many of them had no idea what the future would bring. Now, as summer reaches its climax, many of them now have some idea of where their lives are heading. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will showcase some of our graduates and update you on where they are heading. In this weeks edition, we follow up with Mackenzie Crooks!

Ms. Crooks (top left) with her FFA Officers and other teachers of the Lebanon HS Agriculture Department. 
Mackenzie, a native of Irwin, PA, was a great addition to the class of 2012. She completed her student teaching experience under the guidance of Mr. Kyle Norman at Brockway High School. We asked Mackenzie some questions about her experiences at Penn State and what she is looking forward to in the future.

a)     Why did you choose this school to teach at?
I chose this school [ Lebanon High School] because it had everything I was looking for in a program.  The ag department is fairly new and one of the largest ones in the state of Indiana.  I set out looking for a multi-teacher program so I would have guidance from more experienced educators during my first (and most challenging) year of teaching.  I also liked that it was a newer program.  The department head is amazing and takes all of my ideas into consideration and has even used a few of them.  

b)     What are you most excited about for the upcoming year?
I am excited to have my own classroom and students!  This year will be challenging since the school is under construction and I have to switch rooms half way through the school year.  But I am probably most excited for the new greenhouse that is being built.  I will be the person in charge of over seeing it, and the administration has set the expectation bar high.  I have a lot of great ideas to try with the greenhouse and cannot wait to get in there.

c)      What advice do you have to the student teachers of next year about the Job Search?
The job search can be a very tedious thing, but stick with it.  Keep an open mind to moving somewhere new, and don't limit yourself to one area.  There are a TON of possibilities out there for you; you just have to find them!

d)     Did you feel prepared for the Job Search Process?
I felt very prepared for the job search process.  The last week that we spent at Penn State really helped me to gain the confidence that I needed to succeed in finding the right job.  The mock interviews were extremely helpful.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Moving On....Following up with 2012 Graduate Kristie Folk

As our 2012 Student Teachers graduated from Penn State on May 5th, many of them had no idea what the future would bring. Now, as summer reaches its climax, many of them now have some idea of where their lives are heading. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will showcase some of our graduates and update you on where they are heading. Next up....Kristie Folk

Kristie, a former State FFA officer, is a bright spot for the class of 2012. Her enthusiasm for Agricultural Education was infectious among her peers.  In the fall, she will be the full-time Ag Teacher at United High School in Armaugh, PA in Indiana County. (Of note, Kristie did her student teaching at United as well under the guidance of Ms. Cristen Black.) We asked Kristie some questions about her experiences at Penn State and what she is looking forward to in the future. 

1) Why did you choose United High School to teach at?
I chose to teach at United High School in Armagh, PA where I did my student teaching. It just so happened my cooperating teacher, mentor and friend, Mrs. Cristen Black, got a job in Kansas and I applied for the position at United. After two rounds of interviews with other amazing candidates, I was selected to teach at United. I love the school district, its location, the faculty/staff, and most of all the students. It is a very rural area with students who are excited about agriculture. The faculty / staff are friendly and willing to help whenever they can. Overall, I chose to teach at United because it is a small, rural school district with great students and faculty. 

2) What are you most excited about for the upcoming year?
I am most excited about having my own program and trying to increase FFA membership. I am excited about learning new things (about my new program) and trying new things. I am sure there is going to be some trials and stress of taking over a program and learning how things are done; however, I will have two aids, who are excited to help me grow as an educator.  

3)What advice do you have to the student teachers of next year about the Job Search?
DO NOT BE AFRAID! Nerves are normal….but even if you don’t land the first job you apply for; know it was a learning process. Not all jobs will open up right in front of your eyes like the one at United did for me. In fact, it is not likely. I still applied for the job knowing it was a possibility that I would not land the job, even though I did my student teaching there. I looked at it as being in the right place at the right time and that it just worked out for me.  The world of job hunting is scary but if you are willing to travel/move/see the world, the possibilities are endless. Also, put a serious effort into your portfolio and the mock interviews that you will do during the last 2 weeks after student teaching. They will  help you! Last, but not, least, contact some of us who have gone through interviews. We can tell you what we know/remember and offer our thoughts to help you out. 

4) Did you feel prepared for the Job Search Process?
 At first, I was nervous about the “job hunt,” but I did feel prepared.  I reviewed my portfolio and thought about possible questions the interviewers could ask me. After the first interview, I remember feeling a sense of accomplishment. I felt prepared to enter the next round of interviews if I made it that far.  The overall “job hunt” was not nearly as scary as I had made it out in my head. Overall, I felt prepared for the job search process and knowing that if I needed anything, I could contact Dr. Foster, Dr. Ewing, Renee, Trish or anyone in the department.