Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Robobees" and Agricultural Education? Preparing for cutting edge agriscience classroom!

Robobees being developed at Harvard.
The other day I was surfing the internet when I stumbled upon an article about what are called "Robobees".  After doing some more research I found out that Harvard's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is working to develop a robotic bee that will essentially be able to do almost everything a bee does and more!  Part of the reason behind this is the effects of Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) that has been occurring in bee colonies dramatically affecting their populations.  This issue not only involves flowers or simply the pollination of wild plants.  It deals with agricultural practices as well.  These bees will not only pollinate; they will be able to track weather, provide surveillance, among other tasks.  They will even work in colonies just like the real deal!

What does this have to do with agricultural education you may ask?  Education is always changing due to improvements in technology, challenges in the real world, and the development of new careers.  It is always important to stay on top of what is new and current.  One day we may be teaching our kids on the operation of robotic bees instead studying how real bee colonies interact.  Years ago you would not have been able to find an mp3 player in a school.  Now there are classrooms where every single student has an iPad just for school.  Likewise, teachers are utilizing the internet and social media to teach their lessons.

As future teachers we need to be aware of these ever changing technologies and how they can be incorporated into the classroom.  Check out the blog in the next couple of weeks for more posts on specific, current technologies that are being used in the classroom! Feel free to respond to this blog post with ideas you would like to share! How do you (or did your ag teacher) incorporate cutting edge technology?

To learn more about starting on the path to having a career that makes positive impact on the lives of students across the globe by becoming an agricultural educator, please contact the agricultural teacher education program at teachag@psu.eduFollow us on Twitter @TeachAgPSUor on Facebook at

By: Matthew Dodson, 
Student Blogger
2013 Teach Ag Avenger
2016 Student Teacher Candidate

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