Day 5 - As our trip nears its end, our focus shifted from school
based agriculture education to the unique industries in Mississippi. On
Saturday, we had the chance to visit and engage with many people involved in
these numerous industries all across the state!
We began our day at CHS, INC. in Greenville, Mississippi. CHS is a farmer owned cooperative working to
help America’s farmers be more successful by supplying them with fertilizers.
At this facility in Greenwood, fertilizers are brought in and shipped out on
barges, trains, and trucks. We had the opportunity to talk to manager Chad
Henson about the company and its role in agricultural productions. CHS was a
generous financial supporter of this trip and other experiences, so it was great
to see what their company does!
Our day continued at Delta Research and Extension Center(DREC) where we had the opportunity to learn more about Mississippi
agriculture, specifically rice production. We learned about rice management and
even had the opportunity to visit rice fields. While visiting DREC, we engaged
with Farm Bureau experts, and DREC employees. This experience expanded our
knowledge on crops grown in the Mississippi Delta.
Another unique (to us!) crop grown and produced in Mississippi is
cotton. Saturday afternoon, we had the chance to visit Staplcotn. Staplecotn is
a cooperative offering cost effective marketing, warehousing, and financing for
cotton producers in many southeastern states. We had the opportunity to visit
with Russell Robertson who was the representative for Human Resources. Mr.
Robertson informed us on cotton production and how Staplcotn works with
producers to ensure safe and economical sales. We also had the chance to see
how they class cotton.

One of our last stops of the day was at the Nobile Catfish
Farm ( During this visit, we had the chance to visit with Will Nobile, a third
generation catfish farmer. Will gave us a tour of his hatchery and his catfish
ponds. During this visit we saw the process of catfish production, starting
with eggs masses and resulting in large ponds containing thousands of catfish.
To conclude our day, we spoke with a local Mississippi
native, Mike Hurt from Yazzo City,, who gave us valuable insight on life in the delta. We had the chance to
engage in conversations regarding the economy, education systems, and
agriculture in the delta. We also had the opportunity to enjoy authentic
Mississippi crawfish!
Overall, we had a great day engaging with partners and many
agriculture industries across Mississippi. We all gained new insight about
Mississippi, which we will be able to implement in our future. We are grateful
for all the experiences we shared and are sad to see our #PSUAgEd2MISS trip
come to an end.
Submitted by:
Laura Metrick, 2015 Graduate, @Its_LauraBeth
Jenna Timmons, 2016 Student Teacher, @jitimmons
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