In Pennsylvania we have over 150 FFA chapters that represent the Blue and Gold at its finest. There is one chapter that has stood above the rest this month to become our August program of the month. The Tyrone FFA Chapter at Tyrone Area High School!
The Tyrone agricultural program prides itself on being "student centered, student driven." Student drive is apparent, simply by the list of recent accolades:
- 2 State Proficiency Winners - Agriscience and Diversified Livestock
- 5 Keystone Degree recipients
- 1 Area Star Farmer reco[ient
- Agriscience Team competing at the 2016 National FFA Convention
- State FFA Officer Candidate
- Three Star National Chapter Ranking
All students in the Tyrone agricultural program complete an AgriScience project for an SAE program. Students also have a wealth of classes from which to choose:
Current Classes Offered:
Ag Power and Technology (CASE)
Agricultural Animal Science (CASE)
Agricultural Careers & Industry
Food and Natural Resources (CASE)
Food Science
Introduction to Agriculture
Leadership & Communication I & II
Natural Resources & Ecology (CASE)
Agricultural Animal Science (CASE)
Agricultural Careers & Industry
Food and Natural Resources (CASE)
Food Science
Introduction to Agriculture
Leadership & Communication I & II
Natural Resources & Ecology (CASE)
As Ms. Hoy states, "Agriculture impacts every part of our lives; and through agricultural education, one can truly integrate all segments of education. Should not every student be given the chance to be educated about the corner stone of our lives - Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources?"
We couldn't agree more! The growth and commitment to preparing the next generation of students for careers in agriculture, food and natural resources at the Tyrone Area High School and Tyrone FFA is an example for all of us to look to. Congratulations on being named our August Program of the Month!
To learn more about starting on the path to having a career that makes a positive impact on the lives of students across the globe by becoming an agricultural educator, please contact the agricultural teacher education program at Follow us on Twitter at TeachAgPSU, on Facebook, or on our blog.

Kayla Hack
Student Blogger
Twitter Handle: @hackkayla
2017 Agriculture Education Student Teacher
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