Monday, October 12, 2020

Jenna Kibbe is Selected as the Agricultural & Extension Education September's Student of the Month

 Although a little late, WE ARE proud to recognize the Agricultural and Extension Education Student of the Month for September. This month's recipient is Jenna Kibbe of Findley Lake, New York. Jenna spent time serving the New York FFA Association as the 2017-2018 New York FFA State Treasurer. Jenna attended Penn State Behrend in Erie for a year and enjoyed her time there before coming to University Park as a sophomore. Currently, Jenna is a junior majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education with minors in Spanish and International Agriculture.

So far, Jenna's favorite classes at Penn State have been Horticulture 150N, Plant 220, and Ballroom Dancing! Her involvement with clubs includes LEAD Society where she serves on the officer team, and she is also involved in the Spanish Emersion Club and Salt Company. She loves to represent Penn State and has the Minnesota Vikings as one of her favorite sports team. You can find Jenna hanging out on campus at the Arboretum, Millennium Science Complex or at Old Main. Some of her favorite places to eat in State College are Sower Harvest Café and Big Bowl Noodle House.

If you know Jenna, you know her love for her dog, Ruger a German Shepard. Speaking of cool facts about Jenna, she has also gone hunting in 3 states and deep sea fished in the Atlantic Ocean. Her favorite quote is "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2 Timothy 4:7. Jenna has greatly impressed us with her efforts both inside and outside the classroom to create more opportunities for students in the Agricultural and Extension Education major.

A program that Jenna has been working to organize alongside Nicole Guise through the Teach Ag Avengers at Penn State, is the Penn State Owl Pal Program. The goals of this program are to:
  1. To connect AEE Commonwealth Campus students to AEE University Park students, faculty, and staff
  2. To decrease the stresses associated with transitioning campuses
                1. To provide a unique student perspective of the AEE major
The purpose of the Owl Pal Program is to help the transition from a branch campus of Penn State to University Park less difficult for students. As Jenna was in these student's places she shares "Being a transfer student who found the adjustment difficult,  there was simple knowledge about State College that I wish I would have known, so Nicole and I worked together this summer to develop the list of topics that we felt would help students not only adjust to college and academics, but also life in State College.If you or someone you know is a AEE major at Penn State or planning to become one you can reach out to Jenna Kibbe at so that she can add your name to the list! This program starts the first year you arrive at any Penn State campus and will last through when you come to University Park to help get students adjusted to campus life.

We believe this program will serve students well as it provides more connections for students directly to the major through helping them find personal connections and lasting relationships as they go throughout their Penn State journey's. We appreciate all of the work Jenna has put into organizing this program and we can't wait to see the positive outcomes! Be sure to keep up with Jenna by following her on Instagram @jennakibbe and on Twitter @JennaKibbe


Morgan Bear
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural & Extension Education
Class of 2023

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