Monday, February 23, 2015

#psuaged15: Morgan Campbell explains her unique, chaotic, awesome, student teaching experience #teachag

Each week, the Penn State Ag Ed Roars! Blog will highlight a student teacher that is out in the field teaching and learning valuable experiences that they can use in their future! Morgan Campbell (@mcamp400) is teaching at Mifflinburg Area High School under the supervision of Mr. Chuck Kessler in Mifflinburg, PA.
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Morgan Campbell (@mcamp400)
If you would have asked me four months ago what student teaching would be like, I would have given you an idealistic picture of perfectly planned units, well-behaved students and flawlessly executed lessons. To say the least, my student teaching experience has been far from my expectations…. And that’s okay!

In the short five weeks that I have been at Mifflinburg Area High School, I have been thrown my fair share of curveballs. Not only did I begin teaching my third day there, but I also picked up four additional classes within the first three weeks. Many of the units that I had planned had to be majorly overhauled and I found out that I would be picking up some additional units later on. Throw in some schedule changes and snow days, and you have a recipe for panic… and that’s what I did!

Morgan Campbell teaching in a shop class.
Anyone who knows me can assure that I am extremely detail-oriented. I thrive on structure and I like to know exactly what I am doing, when. This combination of changes and alterations had me feeling very overwhelmed, but after taking a step back, I realized that rarely (if ever) does anything go perfectly as planned in education. Mr. Kessler has said it once, and I’m sure that he will say it again; “education is about being on Plan B or Plan C”. I am finding more and more truth in these words as I gain experience at the front of the classroom.

While these changes have caused a bit of chaos thus far and the idealistic picture in my mind has faded, I believe that embracing these changes is helping me find my feet as an educator. I am being stretched (far) from my comfort zone, but this has prepared me for the realities that a teacher faces on a daily basis… and for that I am thankful!

To learn more about starting on the path to having a career that makes a positive impact on the lives of students across the globe by becoming an agricultural educator, please contact the agricultural teacher education program at Follow us on Twitter at TeachAgPSU, on Facebook, or on our blog!
Olivia Murphy-Sweet
2016 Student Teacher Candidate
Blog Editor

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