Friday, September 27, 2024

Ella Strickland is September AEE Student of the Month

AEE September Student of the Month

The Center for Professional Personnel Development would like to recognize Ella Strickland as the Agricultural and Extension Education Student of the Month for September. Ella is currently a sophomore majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education as well as minoring in International Agriculture.
 Ella intends to graduate from Penn State in May of 2027. Ella is from Maysville, Georgia and she graduated from East Jackson Comprehensive High School. 
Throughout Ella's time in high school, she was involved in the Jackson FFA -Empower FFA Chapter. She said "I was my chapter's secretary and served as North Region Area II Sentinel. I was also involved in many different CDEs Including Vet science, Agricultural Communications, and Agricultural Sales. I was also involved in exhibiting lambs".

When asked why she chose to attend Penn State here is what Ella had to say "
I chose Penn state because of a family connection. From this connection I decided to visit the campus during fall of my senior year. Upon meeting the staff and faculty in the AEE major I had made up my mind on whether or not I would apply to Penn State. Everyone was very welcoming and made the transition to college easier. On a lighter note, fall is pretty in Pennsylvania and how could I turn down the opportunity to experience that for the next four years".  Ella is a member of the PSU FFA Alumni and Supporters club; she is also on the Penn State Equestrian team. Ella works as an AEE communication intern on campus. Ella's favorite place to hang out on campus is either at the creamery or in Ferguson. Ella says her favorite place to eat on campus is at McAllister's. 


Ella's favorite PSU class has been the GOALS program this is comprised of two classes AEE 400 and AEE 497. Ella said, "This was by far my favorite class because I got a lot of real-life experiences and got to make many connections with other universities across the US."


    Ella says "My interest in agriculture stems from my love for animals. However, that simple interest turned into a passion when I learned the importance of the ag industry. From there I was certain that I wanted to advocate for this industry that provided me with so many opportunities and growth experiences."  Ella's future plans are to go into the teaching profession. She also said " I eventually would like to advance my career and work on policy for the department of agriculture.


One interesting fact about Ella is " that I used to show and now raise club lambs back home. I currently have 5 breeding ewes that have lambs in the spring. I then take these lambs and give them to local FFA students in my community that have a passion for livestock, but unfortunately cannot afford to purchase their own livestock. I gained a lot by showing lambs through FFA, and hope to one day make the livestock exhibiting experience more accessible to students."

A defining moment in Ella's college career is that she is currently a part of Roar for more. This is a program at university park that allows you to raise a service dog for Susquehanna Service dogs. To the side you will see a picture of Ella with the service dog she will be raising of Susquehanna Service dog. 

Ella's favorite quote is:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world” 

Follow Ella on Instagram at @strickland.m_e

Cameron Goodyear
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural and Extension Education
Class of 2026

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Sarah Beaver is June AEE Student of the Month

 AEE June Student of the Month

The Center for Professional Personnel Development would like to recognize Sarah Beaver as the June Student of the Month for her outstanding efforts in her academics and extracurriculars. Sarah is majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education with a minor in International Agriculture and will graduate in May of 2027. She chose Penn State because, "Penn State felt like home the first time I visited. It was always my dream school but I never thought I would get into University Park but with a lot of hard work and dedication here I am! Once I knew that I wanted to do AG education I knew Penn State was where I wanted to go." 

Sarah is a 2023 graduate of Otto-Eldred High School where she was involved in the Otto-Eldred FFA Chapter which is the only Chapter in McKean County. During her time in FFA she served as Vice President and President. From being an officer, she learned, "skills like communication, outreach, and perseverance. During my time, I attended local and area events, state conferences, and conventions, building leadership skills and networking. I also worked on various Supervised Agricultural Experience projects ranging from placement to exploratory. By my senior year, I was able to earn my State Keystone Degree at the Pennsylvania Farm Show. I am very grateful for my time in PA FFA and look forward to continuing to be a part of it in the future." 

On campus, Sarah is involved in the University Park Undergraduate Association as the College of Agricultural Science Representative. She also is a Student Senator in the College of Agricultural Sciences Faculty Senate. Additional she is an Ag Student Council Executive Team member, an Ag Advocate, and a part of the Global Orientation in Agricultural Learning Program Cohort 3. She also holds a position as an intern for the Global Teach AG Network. Her favorite class on campus is INTAG 100N. Sarah enjoys hanging out in the Ferguson Building and going to SNAP Pizza with her friends. Her hobbies include being outside
and spending time with her friends and family. Sarah's favorite sports team is the Bills. An interesting fact about Sarah is that she is related to James A. Beaver, the guy that Beaver Stadium is named after.
Sarah had the opportunity to be involved in the Global Orientation in Agricultural Learning (GOALs) program this past year. She traveled to the World Food Prize in the fall, learned about different aspects of global agriculture, and got to teach on this subject for a week in the spring. Sarah says, "I was fortunate enough to be a part of the GOALs program this year. This program was the highlight of my first year here at PSU. I learned so much, met many amazing people, and experienced things that have transformed my understanding of agricultural education. I am so thankful for the opportunities this program has provided me."

Her agricultural interest and passion surround that of agricultural education, global agriculture issues, food security, and agricultural policy. In the future, she hopes to use her degree from Penn State to become a high school agricultural science teacher and impart her knowledge on students. 

Sarah's favorite quote:
"Keep planting and sowing, living and knowing: Beautiful things take time, and that is okay."
- Morgan Harper Nichols

Follow Sarah on Social Media

Erica Teagarden
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural and Extension Education
Class of 2026

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Erica Teagarden is May AEE Student of the Month


AEE May Student of the month


The Center for Professional Personnel Development would like to recognize Erica Teagarden as the Agricultural and Extension Education Student of the Month for May. Erica is currently a sophomore majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education as well as Minoring in International Agriculture. Erica intends to graduate from Penn State in May of 2026. Erica is from Claysville, Pennsylvania and graduated from McGuffey High School. Throughout Erica's time
in high school, she was a member of the McGuffey FFA Chapter where she held officer positions of Reporter, Treasurer, and President. Erica's SAE projects included employment at her family's greenhouse, taking care of various market animals, and a few other jobs. As a member of her chapter, she embraced the opportunity to take four plant science classes as well as a welding class her senior year. Erica also competed in various LDEs and CDEs she said, "My favorite was public speaking, and I went to states for it three out of the four years I competed." Erica was also involved in a few different 4-H clubs which include Heart and Home 4-H club, Country Critters 4-H club, 4-Leaf 4-H, and the West Alexander Ag 4-H club. She said " I served in various roles throughout my time in 4-H such as Historian, Secretary, Vice-President, and President. I did sewing projects, as well as showing dairy cattle and market animals."

When asked why she chose to attend Penn State here is what she had to say "Penn State was the only school that I applied to. Ever since I first stepped foot into an agriculture education class, I knew that was what I wanted to do. My ag teacher went to Penn State, so it was never a question of where I wanted to go. What really drew me in was the community within the college of ag and especially in the ag ed major. I love how close everyone is and no matter where I go, I can usually find someone I know." Erica's favorite place to hang out at is 213 Ferguson building or in AVBS or ASI lobby. Erica is a student worker for the Center for Professional Personnel Development. She is also the current president for the PSU FFA Alumni and Supporters club. Erica is a part of Teach Ag! Avenger, Ag Advocates, and Beta Sisterhood of Delta Theta Sigma.  Erica's favorite Penn State class is Animal Science 201. She says "It is definitely not an easy class by any means, but it has a ton of great animal science content. I really enjoyed the labs because there was some opportunity to get a more hands on look at what we covered in lecture." 

Erica's favorite sports teams are Penn State Nittany Lions Wrestling. Erica mentioned that she got to attend the US Olympic team trial for wrestling at the Bryce Jordan center. 

Some of Erica's hobbies include hanging out with friends, reading, going for walks and watching movies. 

Erica says her passion for agriculture is "just advocating for the agricultural industry and those involved. As an ag teacher, I want to be able to create more educated consumers and encourage others to pursue opportunities within the agricultural industry. Through sharing my own story, I hope to make a meaningful impact on my future students."  Erica has helped to educate consumers about the agriculture industry through her past Internship where she was an intern at the Washington County Extension Office. This coming summer she has an internship with Horizon Farm Credit as a Customer Experience Intern. Erica's future plans are "to be in a classroom teaching agriculture to either middle school or high school students. Right now, I think going back to my home school or just back to my home county to teach would be really great. However, I know that God has a greater plan for me and wherever I end up is where I am meant to be."

One experience that Erica had throughout her time at Penn State is that she got to travel to Belize in March of 2023. She said "
I took the AEE 499 class which included a spring break immersion. We spent the first part of the class learning about the culture and environment of Belize then during spring break we spent 8 days in the country. I enjoyed getting to see so many different aspects of their agricultural industry including a few different farms as well as visiting a couple of schools and agricultural education programs. My favorite part was touring the Mayan ruins called Xunantunich. A couple of other highlights of the trip were visiting a chocolate company and staying our last night at the Belize Zoo. "

One interesting fact about Erica is that she is currently serving as the 2024 Pennsylvania Fair Queen!!!

Erica's favorite quote is:
"Sometimes what didn't work out for you really worked out for you."
Follow Erica on Instagram @ericateagarden and on Twitter @ erica_teagarden

Cameron Goodyear
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural and Extension Education
Class of 2026

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Cameron Goodyear is April AEE Student of the Month

The Center for Professional Personnel Development would like to recognize Cameron Goodyear as the Agricultural and Extension Education Student of the Month for April. Cameron is currently a sophomore majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education intending to graduate in May of 2026. She is from New Berlin, Pennsylvania and graduated from Rockwood Area High School in 2022. Her first year as a Penn State student began at the Hazelton campus where she was a member of the Christian Association Club. In Fall of 2023 she switched to World Campus and in Spring of 2024 she transferred to University Park. When asked why she chose Penn State Cameron says, "I chose Penn State for many reasons. The main reason was for the opportunities Penn State could offer me in the major I have chosen to pursue". 

On campus, Cameron is involved in the PSU FFA Alumni and Supporters Chapter. She is also a student worker for the Center for Professional Personnel Development. Her favorite classes so far have been Educational Theory and Policy 115 and Educational Psychology 14. She says, "I haven't gotten into very many major specific classes yet but so far, those have been my favorite. I had an amazing professor for those classes which made going to class worth it." Cameron enjoys spending her time with many other ag ed majors in the Ferguson building. As to a favorite spot to grab food, she doesn't prefer anywhere specific but says that the hub is always a great place to go. Some of her hobbies include sewing. She taught herself how to sew and has created calf jackets, egg collecting aprons, and toys bags. An interesting fact about Cameron is that she is the oldest of eight with four younger brothers and three younger sisters.

Cameron is no stranger to the agricultural industry. Her passion began when she was younger and has continued every since. Cameron says, "My agricultural passion started at the age of 9 when we lived in a house just outside of town with a small yard. There we raised some ducks for a bit and slowly progressed to mini donkeys and a jersey bull calf. At that point we knew we had to move to a hobby farm to support our new addiction. From there we worked on a few different farms, and I realized agriculture is the field for me." During her time in high school she was a member of the Mifflinburg FFA chapter where she received her Greenhand Degree and the Rising Sun Award. She also competed in the Employment Skills competition and on the Agribusiness Management Team. Her senior year she moved and became a member of the Rockwood FFA Chapter where she got her County and Chapter Degrees. Cameron was also able to compete in Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Horse Judging, and Livestock Judging. She has received her State Keystone Degree and will receive her American Degree in October at the National FFA Convention. 

This past summer Cameron complete an internship through the Center for Dairy Excellence. She says, "I had the opportunity to be an on-farm intern at Eleven Farms in Elliotburg, Perry County." Currently Cameron is participating in the Global Orientation to Agricultural Learning (GOALs) program. She states, "Through this program I got the opportunity to attend the World Food Prize and over my spring breaks I had a teach immersion trip. My triad and I traveled out to American Falls Idaho to teach students about global agriculture." Cameron saw this as a wonderful opportunity to confirm that the classroom was where she wanted to be. Next month, she will travel to Belize to learn more about their agricultural industry. For her future, Cameron says, "My ultimate goal is to be an agricultural teacher, but I'll see where the good Lord takes me."

Cameron's favorite quote:

But they wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

Follow Cameron on Social Media:

Erica Teagarden
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural and Extension Education
Class of 2026

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Emily Jay is named Agricultural and Extension Education March Student of the Month!

 AEE March Student of the Month

The Center for Professional Personnel Development would like to recognize Emily Jay as the March Agricultural and Extension Education Student of the Month. Emily is from Shermans Dale, Pennsylvania and is a graduate of West Perry High School. Emily received an associates degree in General Studies from Fort Hays State University in 2021 and a graduate certificate from Miracle Mountain Ranch School of Discipleship in 2017. Currently, she is majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education and will graduate in May. Emily shares, "Ever since I began school, I wanted to attend Penn State (the best school in the state!). Also, my dad attended Penn State."

During her time at Penn State, Emily was a member of the PSU FFA Alumni & Supporters Chapter and also a Teach Ag! Avenger. Her favorite class at Penn State was Ag Mechanics with Dr. Ewing. On campus, she enjoys hanging out in Ferguson 213. Her favorite place to eat in State College is Chick-Fil-A. Of course, her favorite team is the Penn State Football team. Emily enjoys riding horses, painting, swimming, and hanging out with friends.

With an extensive background in her own FFA chapter, Emily is no stranger to the duties of an ag teacher. She was a part of the West Perry FFA chapter and held officers positions such as Vice President and Secretary. Emily has received her Greenhand, Chapter, CDP Area, Keystone, and American degree. She has competed in Parliamentary Procedure, FFA Knowledge, Vet Science Skills, and Farm Business Management at PA FFA State Convention.

Emily has had a couple of different internship experiences. First, with Miracle Mountain Ranch as Summer Barn Staff. Also, she was a part of the Global Orientation to Agricultural Learning Program where she not only got to attend the World Food Prize but also have a short teaching immersion. She spent a week in Minnewaska, Minnesota teaching Global Agriculture to middle schoolers.

Some defining experiences during her college career have included working at Sheetz while also completing her degree. She also got to assist state officers and other Ag Ed students with the Fall Leadership Conference for two years, helped to create an exam and judge the 2023 Horse Evaluation CDE at PA FFA State Convention, and is ServSafe Certified. Her passion is teaching animal science as well as just helping her students to reach their full potential and be better consumers in the world.

Emily is completing her student teaching experience at Big Spring Middle School in Newville, Pennsylvania. She is teaching a variety of classes including 7th/8th grade Woodshop, 6th grade Intro to Ag, 7th/8th grade Family and Consumer Science, Plant & Greenhouse, and Living On Your Own. When asked what she is most excited for during her time student teaching, Emily says,
"Planning and taking FFA events/trips like the Spring Ag Careers Day and Trout in the Classroom(Earth Day-release day)!"

For her future, she states, "[my future plans are] to teach at either a middle school, high school, or both (wherever this profession takes me) [and] work towards my master's after teaching for a few years." Emily does not have a specific area of agriculture that she hopes to teach. She shares, "What I enjoy most about agriculture is its diversity in subjects, so it’s difficult for me to pick one area I like the most."

Emily's favorite quote:

"To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny

bone." - Reba McEntire

Follow Emily on Social Media: @EmilyJay0108

Erica Teagarden
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural and Extension Education
Class of 2026

Friday, February 2, 2024

Emily McGowan is named Agricultural and Extension Education February Student of the Month!

The Center for Professional Personnel Development would like to recognize Emily McGowan as the February Agricultural and Extension Education Student of the Month. Emily is from Millerstown, Pennsylvania and is a graduate of Greenwood High School. Currently, she is majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education and will graduate in May. Emily shares, "Upon my first visits to campus, before I applied, I was impressed by the resources that Penn State offered its students within the college of agricultural sciences and the impact the institution has had on agricultural research. But as I engaged with Dr. Ewing and the other staff in the agricultural and extension education program, I knew I was in an environment that would best support me on my journey to becoming an agricultural educator.".

During her time at Penn State, Emily was a member of the PSU FFA Alumni & Supporters Chapter. She enjoyed taking the Soils 100 and Ag Business Management 100 courses. On campus, she enjoyed hanging out in the Paterno Library. Her favorite on-campus spot to grab something to eat is the Penn State Berkey Creamery.

Emily enjoys hunting, drawing, skiing, and traveling. Fun fact- she has been to seven countries! She has also done her fair amount of traveling during her time in ag education. Emily has traveled to the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, National Association of Agricultural Educators Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, and the School Leader Conference on Intercultural and Intersectional Competence.

Emily is completing her student teaching experience at Tri-Valley Jr/Sr High School with Mrs. Gretchen Dingman. She is teaching a variety of classes including 8th Grade Rotation, Ag Science and Mechanics I, Ag Science II, III, IV, Ag Practicum, Woodworking, and Welding. When asked what she is most excited for during her time at Tri-Valley, Emily says, "That’s a hard question, there’s so much to the teaching profession that can’t be taught in a college classroom, some of my most important lessons may come from the experiences I least expect. I’m excited to see how my students grow through these experiences in the classroom and their efforts in the FFA, and learning how to better support them on their journey.".

For her future, she states, "I’m keeping my doors open, but currently I’m looking into teaching in a high school setting after a Master’s degree.". Emily does not have a specific area of agriculture that she hopes to teach. She shares, "What I enjoy most about agriculture is its diversity in subjects, so it’s difficult for me to pick one area I like the most.".

Emily's favorite quote:

"To make a difference in someone's life, you do not have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful, or perfect. You just have to care." - Mandy Hale

Follow Emily on Social Media: @EmilyMcGowan_25

Erica Teagarden
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural and Extension Education
Class of 2026

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Noah Phillips is named Agricultural and Extension Education January Student of the Month!

The Center for Professional Personnel Development would like to recognize Noah Phillips as the January Agricultural and Extension Education Student of the Month. Noah is from Dushore, Pennsylvania and attended Sullivan County Jr./Sr. High School. He is a part of the #psuaged24 cohort at Penn State and will graduate in the spring with a degree in Agricultural and Extension Education. Noah shares, "I chose Penn State for the amazing connections it provides, the worthwhile money spent towards my degree, and the Penn State Community. Free entry to Penn State wrestling matches is also an awesome bonus."

Although Noah did not have the opportunity to be a part of FFA, he was a member of Sullivan County 4-H for 10 years. As a member of the Sullivan County Livestock Club he raised market lambs and market swine which he exhibited at the county fair. He was also a member of the Future Leaders of the Dairy World 4-H Club and raised dairy heifers, calves, and cows. Noah also had the opportunity to show around the state and in New York at fairs and competitions. He has also had many internship opportunities within the agricultural industry. He was a Sullivan County 4-H Intern, Dairy Farm Manager at a farm in Slippery Rock, PA, and a Dairy Cattle Hoof Care Intern. Over the past few years he has worked on seven different dairy farms across Pennsylvania. Some with just 40 cows and others with over 1,000.

On campus, Noah is involved in the Delta Theta Sigma Fraternity, Alpha Tau Alpha, the Penn State Dairy Science Club, and College of Agricultural Sciences Student Council Representative. He is also working on getting his minor in International Agriculture. Noah enjoyed taking the Psych 100 course he shares, "[it] enabled me with the tools to understand my students more." He enjoys spending his time watching his favorite sports team, Penn State Wrestling, hanging out in the Ferguson Building, or eating at his favorite downtown restaurant, Uncle Chen's. When he is not busy lesson planning, Noah enjoys reading, watching tv shows and movies, and hanging out with his friends. 

Currently, Noah is way out in western Pennsylvania at Fort Cherry Jr./Sr. High School with Mrs. Jodie Hoover. He will be teaching Introduction to Ag, Animal Science, Horticulture, Ag Leadership, Vet Sciences, Ag Marketing, and Floral Design. Noah says, "I am excited to work ag mechanics into my curriculum to a school that does not have an ag mechanics program." Upon graduation, he is hoping to secure a job as a high school agricultural teacher. When asked about his agricultural interest, Noah shared, "My interest is to provide opportunities for the next generation of ag leaders and to encourage them to pursue their future dreams with an exemplary understanding of the agricultural industry."

Noah's favorite quote:
"Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." - Albert Einstein 
Follow Noah on Twitter: @NoahAgEd

Erica Teagarden
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural and Extension Education
Class of 2026