Friday, December 4, 2015

That’s a Wrap!: ATA Initiation and Teach Ag! Society End of Year Celebration

End of semester celebrations are always a great time to reflect about the school year, see friends and peers before the winter break, and of course show off some holiday spirit to ring in the holiday season! At our last Teach Ag! meeting, there were several events that happened including ATA Initiation, a newly elected officer was announced, and a White Elephant Party that the whole organization took part in! 

Beginning with the Alpha Tau Alpha Initiation, the Eta Chapter of Penn State invited seven new members into the organization. These students have a GPA of over 3.0 and are in the Agriculture Extension and Education Major.  These proud new members of ATA are pictured below! 

Pictured from left to right here are your new Eta Chapter ATA Members:
Miranda Kane, Junior
Danielle Johnson. Junior 
Evelyn Zaleski, Junior 
Matt Holt, Senior
Mike Swartwood, Senior 
Jenna Timmons, Senior 
Kayla Hack, Junior 

After the initiation of these members, the crowd moved upstairs in Ferguson Building for the Teach Ag! Society Meeting to find out the new officer team and have a great time playing the White Elephant Christmas Game! 

 Without further ado, here are your 2016 Teach Ag! Society officers:

Pictured from left to right: 
Bottom row: Nate Repetz, George Dietrich, Matt Wagner
Top Row: Victoria Herr, Heather Wasson, Miranda Kane, Kayla Hack, Rose Cowan 

Your 2016 Team:

President: Miranda Kane
Vice President of Program Development: Rose Cowan 
Vice President of Membership Development: Kayla Hack
Secretary: Victoria Herr
Treasurer: George Dietrich
Matt Wagner: Stakeholder Liason
Heather Wasson: Ag Student Council Rep 
Domestic Study Away Chair: Nate Reptez

Congratulations to everyone that is listed above! The 2016 class of seniors knows that this new team and newly initiated ATA members will add to the program in many ways and they will leave the woodpile higher for years to come! 

If you are interested in any of these organizations, please email Dr. Daniel Foster at for further information! 

To learn more about starting on the path to having a career that makes a positive impact on the lives of students across the globe by becoming an agricultural educator, please contact the agricultural teacher education program at Follow us on Twitter at TeachAgPSU, on Facebook, or on our blog.

Olivia Murphy-Sweet
Student Blogger
Teach Ag! Avenger
Twitter Handle @OSweetMurph  

2016 Agricultural Education Student Teacher