Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Why be an Agriculture Teacher? That's CRAZY! A View from a Mont Alto AEE Major!

By: Matthew Dodson, 

2013 Teach Ag Avenger
2016 Student Teacher Candidate

Everywhere I go I always get asked the same question:  "What are you going to college for?"  Every time I respond, "I want to be an agriculture teacher!"  Most people either do not know what that is or say it is a crazy pursuit.  They always say, "You won't make any money!" or "People actually teach that??"  Personally, I want to be an agriculture teacher to make a difference in the lives of students and ensure the future of agriculture...Instead of me sharing why I think agriculture teaching is so important, let's take a look at what others had to say

The Big Question:  "Why Teach Ag?"

"I want to have the opportunity to help students grow and develop into successful young adults is something I love doing. I love working with students and helping them."
- Sam Reubenstein

"I realized that as an Ag teacher you are not just a teacher, you are a mentor. You are someone who is looked up to, and I would love to teach students who have a passion for the same things I do."
- Kelsey Henry 

"I want to be an Ag Teacher because I want to be able to help students in agriculture grow and develop into the leaders that they all can be! Passing down the skills and knowledge I was taught in high school to the next generation of floriculturalists."
- Mark Wade 

"I want to be an Ag Teacher because I grew up on a farm and I really enjoyed everyday of it and that experience is one I would love to share with my students so they can truly know what hard work really is.  I want to make a difference in their lives, and help them get on the right track to a promising future."
Rea Ianson

These students truly have a passion for agriculture and have their own unique and credible reasons for choosing this career path.  So the question is...Will you Teach Ag??  Check out the following links for some great information on what this career is all about!  National Association of Agricultural Educators campaign Teach Ag has some great resources!

 To learn more about starting on the path to having a career that makes positive impact on the lives of students across the globe by becoming an agricultural educator, please contact the agricultural teacher education program at Follow us on Twitter @TeachAgPSU, or on Facebook at