Wow! I can’t believe my student teaching experience is
almost over! All I can say is: “Where did the time go?!”
Student teaching has been one of the best experiences in my
life. I didn't think that from January to April I would be able to make a real
connection with my students and boy was I wrong. I got to know my students
pretty quickly and now I’m sad that I have to leave them in just 2 short days.
I got to know their likes and dislikes and how they learn best in the
classroom. The latter was something that I definitely didn't think I could
accomplish in such a short period of time.
The most memorable moment I have from student teaching
occurred during the regional public speaking contest. I had one student whom
had made it that far and she was super excited and nervous about giving her
junior prepared speech. I had given her all the tips I could think of and coached
her the best I could. I gave her a pep talk before she went in to give her
speech to try to calm her nerves. After what felt like an eternity, they finally
came out with the results. She walked up to me and said with the biggest smile
I have ever seen and said
“Ms Pray! I did it! I got first place and I’m going
to states!” Then she proceeded to give me a giant hug. This made all of the
hard work put into preparing her well worth it.
Throughout my student teaching experience, I refined my
teaching skills and learned so much from my cooperating teacher. I completed my
student teaching experience at Cedar Crest High School in Lebanon, Pa. My
cooperating teacher was Mr. Harold Berkheiser. He is a veteran teacher and
after 35 years of teaching he is going to start enjoying his retirement at the
end of this school year. He taught me so much about how to be a better teacher,
how to be a great FFA advisor and how to guide students through the SAE
process. He even got me to feel comfortable teaching students in the Ag Shop,
which is something that I never thought I would be able to do.

Although I am sad to be leaving, I am excited to move on and
have a classroom and students of my own. I will definitely use all of the
information that I have learned during my student teaching experience. I also
plan to keep in touch with many of my students to see how they progress through
high school and college. And even though he is retiring I plan on keeping in
touch with my cooperating teacher for more advice as I traverse through my
first year as a teacher.
Student teaching is a great and exciting time. Even though
at first it seems a little terrifying, it is nice to have a student teaching
cohort, good professors, family, friends, your cooperating teacher and
university supervisor to lean on. All of these people will help you to succeed
as a student teacher. I went in with the idea that I could handle this
experience and through the help of all these people I became not only a better
teacher and also a new and improved me.
To learn more about starting on the path to having a career that makes a positive impact on the lives of student across the glob by becoming an agricultural educator, please contact the agricultural teacher education program at Follow us on Twitter @TeachAgPSU, or on Facebook at
Submitted by:
Heather Pray
2013 Student Teacher
Cedar Crest High School
PSU AEE M.S. Candidate
2012-13 National Teach Ag Ambassador