Friday, October 13, 2017

Catching up in Senegal with Olivia Murphy-Sweet (@OSweetMurph)

Olivia Murphy-Sweet officially joined the Peace Corps
in September of 2017.
It's time to catch up with #psuaged16 member and Peace Corps member Olivia Murphy-Sweet from all the way in Senegal!

Olivia's decision to join the Peace Corps came after a life full of travel and international experience. She had traveled internationally multiple times, including a trip to Belize in 2015 to complete her undergraduate research looking at how agricultural knowledge is passed down. Through these experiences, she was able to integrate herself into local cultures and meet new people. "I wanted to join Peace Corps to continue to have those experiences and to learn what it was like to live with people who are different than me." When she got the news that she was accepted and traveling to Senegal, she was naturally ecstatic.

Ms. Murphy-Sweet currently serves as a Sustainable Agricultural Specialist, which requires her to teach through garden groups, seed extension, and many secondary projects that don't necessarily relate to agriculture. "Having an Agriculture Education degree allows one to be very versatile in whatever job they want to do." 

Olivia working on a component of the water line
for her water grant project.
Although her decision to join the Peace Corps isn't a typical one, she says that her degree in Agriculture and Extension Education prepared her well, and was able to help her teach in such a broad setting as hers. "I went a little off the beaten path and used my degree on a more international level than staying in America." Through her education she learned how to think critically with her projects, create lesson plans for the formations she leads in the village, and helped her be able to apply what she does know about agriculture to her current position. She just finished her first year of service, and now has one more to go, being complete in December of 2018.

Olivia says her favorite part of Senegal would be her village, and all those that reside there. "I have countless friends and great work partners that help me with projects." One of her most recent projects was a water grant, where she worked with her community to provide water to an area outside of their village. She was amazed at how well everyone worked together to help each other through the duration of the project.

Olivia (3rd from left), with a group of fellow volunteers in Senegal.
We asked Ms. Murphy-Sweet if she has any advice for those pursuing a degree in Agriculture and Extension Education. Her response; "Do it! It will open up doors if you are willing to be creative and accomplish your goals whether it is in the classroom or not. Once you have the degree, the possibilities are endless." Her degree helped her to open up a very unique opportunity, allowing her to challenge herself while experience a community that would help her through every step of the way. Olivia's experience is proof of the diversity of opportunities that an Ag Ed degree can give you. We want to thank Olivia for sharing with us, and wish her the best of luck as she finishes out her service to the Peace Corps!

Hunter Kauffman, Student Blogger
Wildlife and Fisheries Science 
The Pennsylvania State University
Instagram: kauffman_hunter

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