Each month the Center for Professional Personnel Development recognizes a student that has excelled in the program in a variety of ways both academically and professionally. This month, we are proud to recognize Lauren Mchenry as the February 2022 Student of the Month for Agricultural and Extension Education. Lauren is from Plymouth, Pennsylvania where she attended Nanticoke Area High School.
Lauren is currently a senior at the University Park campus. Lauren has shared why she chose to continue her journey at Penn State. "I chose to attend Penn State because of the amazing opportunities they have related to educational development and personal experiences. I was highly influenced by the many family members who are Penn State alumni and I grew up visiting the campus and attending football games. In high school, I participated in the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science where I was able to compete at the state level at Penn State. I got to experience a taste of college life while still in high school, and I really liked it!"
Lauren did not take a traditional route to agriculture, but we are so happy that she found her path to it while studying at Penn State! She shared "My agricultural journey didn’t start until I came to Penn State majoring in Animal Science. I’ve always had a passion for animals/wildlife and learning about the environment, so I decided to major in Animal Science. Not coming from a traditional Ag background made it a little challenging at first, but I grew to appreciate the world of Ag and all that it encompasses. I gained a passion to learn more about where our food is made and how natural resources play a role in our everyday lives. I then switched my major to Agricultural Education because I’d love to continue learning all about the Ag industry while also instilling the same passion in my students. My goal is to reach those students who may not have a traditional Ag background similar to me and open their eyes to the agricultural industry so they can pursue their interests and passions within it."
Since Lauren's journey to Penn State, she has been active inside and outside of the classroom. One of her favorite places to hang-out on campus is the Creamery because she can enjoy sitting outside while having some ice cream. She also enjoys going to Penn State football games and watching the women's volleyball team. Additionally, Lauren participated in THON for 3 years at Penn State in various committees. She was a part of the THON Communication committee for 2 years and then the Rules and Regulations Committee for a year, where she joined individuals who want to better the lives of children impacted by childhood cancer. Lauren was also a part of the Small and Exotic Animals Club and the Collegiate Cattlewomen’s club. Aside from college, in her free time, Lauren enjoys reading and going for hikes with her golden retriever, Buddy. She also really likes fishing with her dad in the spring and summertime. Her favorite hobby is nature photography and being able to capture wildlife or flora in different environments. 
This Spring semester, Lauren is completing her student teaching internship at Olley Valley High School with Mrs. Kacey Rice and Mr. Jeremy Deysher. She is excited to engage with students directly in the classroom through exploring ways to connect biological concepts with agricultural content. She stated "One of my goals is to learn lab techniques related to Agricultural Biotechnology so that I can take that knowledge with me to my future classroom. I love being able to incorporate biology with Agricultural concepts, so I am very excited to be student teaching the Animal and Plant Biotechnology course at Oley Valley. My main goal is to gain the confidence I need to be a great teacher for my students, not only when it comes to content knowledge but classroom management as well." While working to accomplish her goals, Lauren has been looking forward to teaching her Food Science students about Microbiology. She said "The labs and activities that I planned for this class are designed to be fun and engaging, so I hope my students will enjoy them just as much as me. Overall, I’m looking forward to forming relationships with my students, Mrs. Rice and Mr. Deysher that I will remember when times might get tough during my first year of teaching and will motivate me to continue."
One piece of advice she wanted to share with underclassmen is "Don’t get too caught up in the day-to-day life of college classes and assignments. Always keep your end goal in mind as motivation to keep moving forward and hopefully you will achieve it with confidence. Surround yourself with individuals who have similar passions and work ethics and don’t forget to have fun as well!" We are so excited to see where Lauren's journey takes her after student teaching! Be sure to keep up with Lauren by following her on Twitter @LaurenMchenry9 and on Instagram @laurenmchenry_7.
Morgan Bear
CPPD Student Worker
Agricultural and Extension Education
Class of 2023
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